• Hospital Road, Murang’a County
  • info@grantsbased.org

Community Cohesion

Helping the Elderly

Medicine Distribution

To the Community

Food Distribution

Helping the Vulnarable
Call: +254 724 865 165


About Grants Community Based Organization



Grants Community Based Organization

Grantsbased Organization is a community-based organization was formed in September 2018 by a group of people whose aim was to come together and which supports hundreds of older and vulnerable people to live safe, dignified and healthy lives . Its main focus is to engage in charity in Murang’a County. The members have common interests of helping the needy in the villages through a number of activities like donating foodstuff, clothes, Sanitary Towels for Orphans and Vulnerable Children, school sponsorship, mentorship, and empowerment programs among other activities. Since Incorporation, Grantsbased organization has strived to create a self-sustained system in order to empower the less privileged people of declassed societies of various parts of Kenya.

Our vision is a world in which all older people can lead dignied, healthy
and secure lives.

Our Mission is to promote the wellbeing and inclusion of older women
and men, and reduce poverty and discrimination in later life.
We work with older women and men in low and middle-income countries
for better services and policies, and for changes in the behaviours and
attitudes of individuals and societies towards old age.

We are guided by our Organizational Strategy 2021 to 2025.


Women Empowerment


Bedroom Makeovers


Years of Experiance


Families Helped

What Guides Us

Our Values

We Strive for Significant and Lasting Impact

  • With our network members we put the older people at the centre of everything we do
  • We respond to need, where we see it in ways that promote lasting change
  • We speak out with and for older people to challenge discrimination and injustice

We are Committed as Partners

  • We work alongside network members and others to increase reach, influence and impact
  • We are accountable for what we say and do
  • We work collaboratively, building relationships of mutual trust and respect

We are Inclusive

  • We uphold the value and dignity of every person in all our work
  • We respect differences and strive to be inclusive in al we do
  • We seek to listen to all voices particularly those that struggle to be heard

We are Passionate about Learning

  • We take every opportunity to learn
  • We make space to reflect and find creative solutions
  • We share what we have learned from our success and setbacks


Happy with Customers & Clients

If you need any medical help we are available for you. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor the incididunt ut labore et dolore.